Free Money Search Unclaimed
Missing money is often associated with a lost pocketbook or wallet. However, this isn't the only kind of missing money that exists. Actually, you might have some unclaimed money waiting for you without knowing it. It is a fact that annually millions of dollars goes unclaimed. This is money which has been lying dormant in bank accounts or insurance proceeds. It is also true that income tax refunds might become missing money provided the recipient moves without giving a forwarding address.
Free Money Search Unclaimed
As the majority of banks and insurance companies cannot track down the recipients of the missing money so it stays. What is really ironic is that the people who have the right to get this money don't even know about it. It is a good idea for everyone to research if they or other members of their family have missing money. This doesn't cost a lot. Of course, if you hire a private investigator he will do the job but his will cost you a big amount of money. If you wish to save these expenses then I would recommend you to consider utilizing one of the money online resources which were set to help owners get their money.
Free Money Search Unclaimed
However, you often have to pay a fee to use these sites. But as the price is much less than the expenses for a private investigator, I believe you should give the Internet a try. These sites work on the premise that you can search by name without paying anything. Once you get any results you are required to pay a nominal fee for the information, contact information as well. Once you've found that either you or any of your family has missing money then you can start the reclaiming process. You should of course send out information proving that you are the recipient. A copy of your birth certificate or a driver's license would do.
Free Money Search Unclaimed
In case you find missing money that is not yours but belongs to a relative of yours who has passed away, you could get the money if you are the legal heir. However, if this is the case you will have to supply more documents, a copy of the will and death certificate. Apart from that you might need to fill out other documents. Finding missing money can be a dream came true. It might not be the same as winning a million dollars from the lottery but yet you will get extra money in your pocket.
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